These poles then allow for a 24dB per octave filter (4 x 6dB). The amount of filtering is
named ‘Filter slope’. A 2 pole filter has a Filter slope of 12dB, a 3 pole filter corresponds to
18dB, etc.
The Filter slope is in most filters a fixed setting and it determines the sound character of a
synth to a large extent. The higher the Filter slope, the more power the filter has. You can make
interesting sounds with less poles as well. The Filter slope is not a ”quality“ label for the filter,
instead it describes how it works. With the SUNYSN, you are given the flexibility to control
these poles i.e. the Filter slope to produce some very interesting results!
The resonance parameter is used to create a feedback loop of the frequencies near the cutoff
frequency. The sound becomes more nasal. When a lot of resonance is applied, the filter starts
to oscillate by itself (self-oscillation). A sine wave with the frequency of the filter cutoff is then
created (best known as pumping).
The higher the Filter slope (the steeper the filter curve), the more explicit the filter
resonance is. The resonance of a 6dB 1 pole filter isn’t boosted that much, even at its maximum
setting. It’ll be very hard to make it self-oscillate. On the other hand, a 24dB 4 pole filter starts
to pump even at lower resonance settings.
All these different filter types and filter characteristics allow for a different sound when
fading out different frequency ranges by different amounts.
The ”classic“ synthesizer filter is generally the 24dB Lowpass. This filter type is the most
effective and has the most pronounced resonance. The other filter types also allow for
interesting sounds and effects. In the SUNSYN, you can combine different filter types and you
can change them in a very flexible way.
Here’s a small summary of the most important filter parameters:
• Typ:
defines what frequency range is passed on (Lowpass, Highpass,
• Cutoff-Frequenz:
defines at what frequency the filter starts working.
• Flankensteilheit:
defines how steep the filter curve is.
• Resonanz:
feedback loop of the frequencies near the cotuff frequency.
After this guided tour, we recommend you take a small break… OK, we said small break,
right!? ;-) Let’s take a look at the SUNSYN’s filter section!!!
VCF Filter
Single Mode
thebook-all 07.11.2002 18:28 Uhr Seite 33 (Schwarz Bogen)