In short:
The fixed signal paths of the SUNSYN are:
• the outputs of the audio sources: VCO’s, RCO’s, Noise and EXT IN that are sent to the VCF
and then to the VCA (Signal path)
• Envelope1 which is hardwired to the VCA Amount (Modulation path)
• Envelope2 which is hardwired to the VCF Cutoff (Modulation path)
Next to that, there are the signal paths that are created with the help of routing elements:
two sources are controlled by a modifier and are sent to a destination.
The routing amount is controlled by a soft controller.
Several midi controllers and/or velocity can control modulation. These controls can be set up
in the midi controller menu or the velocity menu. Setting the intensity and makign the
assignments, is done in those menus. The controller amount and velocity amount affect the
routing amount.
If you want to use the user-defined paths ONLY (through routing elements), you have to
switch off the fixed signal paths by turning the amount knobs in the VCF and VCA sections
fully anticlockwise.
On the other hand, when you create several routings that go to the same destination, you’ll
obtain a higher signal level. This means the resulting sounds will be very loud and powerful,
possibly even distorted. It’s definitely worth trying out these possibilities! You can also increase
the modulation intensity by ”layering“ several routings to the same destination.
In this chapter, we want to go through the fundamental modulation possibilities of the
SUNSYN. We’ll explain how to build well-known modulations. The routing elements allow an
endless amount of modulation possibilities.
Frequenzmodulation FM
VCO 1 and VCO 2 offer the possibility to let the frequencies of their output signals be
controlled by control voltages. How is this done? Indeed, with routing elements! Send a signal
to the destination
with the help of the routing elements. When using
a control voltage of an envelope or an LFO, the resulting signal could sound like a rising and
dropping pitch – the sound of a wailing sirene e.g.
It gets even more interesting when using audio signals for modulation.
Routing Elements
Single Mode
thebook-all 07.11.2002 18:28 Uhr Seite 55 (Schwarz Bogen)