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COLOR MIX POWER LIMIT - Adjustment of total power consumption
This option reduces the overall power consumption. The setting options are 50% -90% power
consumption or OFF -> full power.
CONSTANT COLOR MODE - Adjust color fidelity
The headlamp is configured to hold the set color / white tone to 100%, even in RAW mode. This
sometimes has the result that the headlight after some time with some colors / whites in the
brightness readjust something as the red LED is the most heat-sensitive LED in the system. The
CONSTANT COLOR MODE lets you set the color fidelity in percent. This allows me as a user to
choose whether I value color fidelity or the brightness is more important to me. This can be set
from 0% - OFF to 100% - max. color fidelity.
CONSTANT BRIGHTNESS MODE - setting for constant brightness
Since the LEDs, in particular the red LED lose relatively much brightness in the event of heat, this
menu item allows the headlight to be configured so that the headlight retains a predefined bright-
ness permanently. For this purpose, the brightness is reduced from the beginning to be able to
readjust according to the set color. The setting options are adjustable from 0% -100%, whereby
100% means the maximum reduction of brightness to have enough air to keep the brightness
constant. 0% means that the function is switched off.
CONSTANT BRIGHTNESS LIMIT - Sets the limit for constant brightness control
This setting is used to influence the CONSTANT BRIGHTNESS MODE. If the CONSTANT
BRIGHTNESS MODE is at 80% or 90%, it is ensured that with white tones the headlight has
sufficient air to keep the white tone constant in the brightness. If you want to display colors with
red or red colors you can use the CONSTANT BRIGHTNESS LIMIT to limit these shades in your
control and thus ensure more brightness in these shades! This setting can be adjusted from 0%
(Function Off) to 90% for Maximum Limit. This means that if the limit is set to 90%, the headlamp
red is allowed to control by a maximum of 10%, 0% means that the limit is switched off and the
headlamp is allowed to control red tones and reds to the maximum.
FAN MODE - Sets the basic volume in the selected COOLING MODE
In the selected COOLING MODE, I can use this menu item to let the fan run even faster before
the regulation starts, so from the beginning the LED is cooled more and thus more brightness is
achieved. Always with the background information that the headlamp keeps the colors constant.
ZOOM MODE - Setting the zoom modes
This option adjusts the type of zoom, i. how the main zoom reacts in conjunction with the zoom
of the outer ring and the middle area.
Mode 1: Zoom / Zoom2 / Zoom3: Zoom2 / 3 TwinZoom -> Masterzoom controls to the lower
zoom value (Zoom2 or 3) then takes it to the higher zoom value and then moves with both to
DMX 255.
Mode 2: Zoom / Zoom2 / Zoom3: Masterzoom "takes" the low zoom value and moves with it to
the higher zoom value and then takes both up to DMX255.
Mode 3: Zoom / Zoom2 / Zoom3: Master Zoom scales both zoom from the set value Zoom2 /
Zoom3 to DMX255.
Mode 4: Zoom / Zoom2 / Zoom3: Zoom3 acts as frost. Masterzoom pushes the frost intelligently.
Mode 5: Zoom / Zoom2 / zoom3: Master zoom acts as a switchover between TwinZoom mode
and Zoom / Frost mode. Zoom DMX 000 -> Zoom2 / 3 in Zoom / Frost mode, Zoom DMX 255 ->
Zoom2 / 3 in TwinZoom mode.