Page 17
Digit 6- Mixing valve close (external
Digit 7-
Digit 8- Motor valve open (external source)
On the right side process control parameters
are calculated.
On represents temperature of water
when command is activated
Off represents temperature of water
when command is deactivated
Cas represents the inclination of
heating curve (for fast or slow
process characterization)
Second page of detailed menu shows
simplified state of main device components.
When component is active the value is 1, if
component is deactivated, value is “0”
Third page of detailed menu shows
calculated parameters.
Heating difference value represents the
maximal heating difference between milk
and secondary water.
Cooling difference value represents the
maximal cooling difference between milk
and secondary water.
Actual difference between milk and
secondary water is calculated.
Analog value of Milk sensor is shown.
Analog value of Water sensor is shown.
Analog value of Return water sensor is