Installation manual: Oasis security system JA-80K
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Unsetting (disarming) the system with a final door detector
If a final-door detector gets triggered in a set (armed) system,
an entrance delay will begin with a duration of between 30 and
270 seconds.
If a normal delayed detector gets triggered while the user
enters a building, the system starts an ordinary entrance delay
of between 5 and 45 seconds.
If a final-door detector is triggered first, a longer entrance
delay will begin. If during this delay an ordinary delayed
detector is then triggered, the remaining entrance delay will
then be shortened to the delay associated with detectors of
this kind.
Only use status-reporting detectors such as the JA-80M or JA-
82M, or the hard-wired inputs of wireless keypads, or the hard-wired
inputs of a control panel as final-door detectors. This mode is unsuitable
for pulse detectors such as JA-80P motion detectors, or the hard-wired
inputs of JA-80E hard-wired keypads which also have a pulse reaction.
Factory default setting:
No final-door detectors in the system.
12.24. Partial setting (arming) or system splitting
The control panel can be configured in three ways as follows:
the entire system sets and unsets together or,
the system partially sets and unsets to protect only
certain parts of a house during the day, while people
are still present in the unset parts or,
the system can be split into two independently
set/unset sections for two separate users and also with
a common section if desired.
Program as follows to configure the system as desired:
where x =0 = unsplit system
(setting/unsetting as an
entire system)
x=1 = partial setting
(for setting sections A, AB,
or ABC)
x=2 = split system
(sections A and B can be
set/unset independently by separate users,
with section C only being automatically set
when both A and B are manually set)
For an unsplit system,
all intruder detectors are set/unset
immediately after the user sets/unsets the system. Assigning wireless
devices, access codes and keyfobs to various sections of the system
has no effect in this mode.
Partial setting
is especially suitable
for homes and apartments where
the user wishes to protect different parts of the premises during the
day. Detectors can be assigned to three sections, A, B and C. Using
setting (arming) key A on the system keypad, you can set section A,
e.g. setting the garage area in the afternoon. Using setting key B you
can set sections A and B simultaneously e.g. in the evening before
going to sleep to protect the garage (section A) and the ground floor
of the house (section B). The ABC total-setting button is used when
leaving the home to set all sections, A,B and C. If you then use a valid
access code or card for unsetting (disarming), all sections will be
unset. The assignment of codes or cards to sections has no effect in
this mode.
A keyfob can also be used for partial setting control. Buttons
can be programmed to set and unset the entire system, and
can be programmed for setting (arming) sections A
and AB respectively to partially set the system. (see 12.40 for details
on partial setting by keyfob).
Split system mode
is especially suitable where two families (A and
B) live in a single house or two companies (A and B) share one
building. The system behaves as two independent systems, one being
section A and the other, section B. There is also a common section C
which is only set if section A and section B are set at the same time.
and is commonly used for shared entrances, doors etc. Detectors can
be assigned to sections A, B or C. Access codes and cards can be
assigned to operate either section A or B (not both), or alternatively to
section C to access the entire building. The same is true for keyfob
Partial setting only has an effect on intruder detectors, i.e. detectors
with instant, delayed or next-delayed reactions. Detectors with fire,
tamper, panic and 24-hour reactions are always able to trigger their
kind of alarm immediately, whether their section is set (armed) or not.
Factory default setting
: Unsplit system.
12.25. Automatic summer time (daylight saving time)
If enabled, this feature automatically offsets the system time to
that of summer time, or daylight saving time as it is also known,:
automatic summer time enabled
automatic summer time disabled
If automatic summer time is enabled, the control panel’s internal
clock is automatically offset by +1 hour on March 31
at midnight. The
offset is then removed on October 31
at midnight to return to winter
Factory default setting:
automatic summer time disabled
12.26. Tamper alarm in response to an increase in
the number of triggered tamper sensors
This feature allows permanently triggered tamper sensors to be
ignore permanently triggered tamper sensors, i.e.
only react to an increase in the number of triggered
tamper sensors.
react with a tamper alarm to all triggered tamper
Ignoring permanently triggered tamper sensors is useful for
example when carrying a detached wireless keypad around with you
during installation as this avoids unnecessary tamper indication.
Factory default setting:
react with a tamper alarm to all
triggered tamper sensors
12.27. Operating the PG outputs using
8 and
Using this feature the PGX and PGY outputs can be controlled
from the keypad by pressing the
8 and
9 keys (or keys
control disabled
The PG outputs can only be operated from the keypad if they have
their ON/OFF or pulse functions enabled.
In addition to controlling the PG outputs using keys
8 and
9, PG
outputs can also be controlled by access codes, access cards,
keyfobs and detector signals (see 12.40 and 12.41 for details).
If a PG output should only be operated by a valid access code or
card, then control by
8 and
9 should be disabled and the codes and
cards should be programmed to control the PG outputs instead (see
Factory default setting:
control enabled
12.28. Permanent alarm status display for a set
The below sequence enables the permanent display of alarm
status on the keypad unit, even if the system is set.
permanent status display enabled
display time a maximum of 3 minutes if any section is
set (armed)
European legislation requires status displaying to be suppressed
within three minutes of setting (arming) the system, no matter how
much or little of the system is set. This feature can be used to ignore
this requirement if appropriate.
The wireless keypad can continuously display the status if powered
by an external power supply. If powered by internal batteries the
keypad will turn off its display after 20 seconds of not being used ( in
Service Mode the display turns off after 15 minutes of no use by the