2.5 Installation - horizontal pumps
Bedplate mounted units are normally mounted on a concrete foundation of liberal thickness poured on a
solid footing, using a one-three-five mix. The foundation should be substantial in order to absorb any vi-
bration and to form a permanent, rigid support for the pumping unit.
The location and size of foundation bolts are shown on the outline assembly drawing supplied for
the unit.
When unit is mounted on a concrete foundation, each foundation bolt should be installed with a
pipe sleeve around it to allow for adjustment.
The I. D. of the sleeve should be 2½·3 times the bolt diameter. Place a washer between the bolt
head and sleeve to hold bolts. See Fig. 3.
Figure 3:
Stuff waste around bolts to prevent concrete from entering between bolt and sleeve. Bolts should
be of sufficient length so that they project through the nuts approximately ¼" after allowance has
been made for grouting, bedplate thickness, and nut thickness.
Put the unit in place on wedges. The wedges should be placed at four points as shown in Fig. 4.
Some long installations may require additional wedges near the middle of the bedplate.
Figure 4:
Disconnect coupling between pump and driver.
"Spider-Insert" couplings, as shown in Fig. 5, need not be disconnected.
2.5 Installation - horizontal pumps
3107 Installation, Operation and Maintenance Instructions