This icon takes you to the photo gallery screen.
Here, the thumbnail images of the stills and video
clips stored on the USB flash drive are displayed
six (6) at a time. The border surrounding the
thumbnail indicates red for JPEG and blue for
m4v files. Use the navigation control to browse
the thumbnails. Touching the down arrow moves
the gallery to the next page when on bottom line.
The left info box displays the name of the
selected thumbnail while the right info box
displays the page number the selected thumbnail
is and the total number of files stored on the USB
flash drive. The filename assigned to the still
images and video clips are comprised of 8
characters. The first 6 characters represent the
date (when the image or clip was taken) in
DD/MM/YY format while the last two characters
are a sequence of characters that will give every
saved file a unique name.
Video clips are saved as .m4v files. This movie file is playable on a PC by VLC Media
Player, downloadable here:
If the Photo Gallery is accessed when an USB flash drive is empty then “No Image Files” is
displayed in the bottom right side of the screen followed by 3 beeps before returning to live video.
If the Photo Gallery is accessed after the USB flash drive was removed and inserted again in
the USB port without cycling the DVR power, then “Card Install Failed” is displayed in the bottom right
side of the screen followed by 3 beeps before returning to live video. Cycle the DVR power with the
USB flash drive plugged and then access the Photo Gallery.
If third party software is not desirable, the .m4v video clips can be saved in .mp4 format, playable in
Windows Media Player. The following steps should be taken if .mp4 format is desired:
1. If the gallery cursor is over a .m4v file then pressing the MP4 icon will leave the BACK and MP4
icons only.
2. At this point press BACK to cancel operation or MP4 icon to start the conversion. The MP4 icon
will flash during the conversion while all the touch controls are removed.
3. When the conversion is complete, the photo gallery touch icons are turned back on. A file with
the same name is written to the USB flash drive with a .mp4 file extension. The photo gallery will
not display this file, only the .m4v file.
If the photo gallery cursor is over a .jpeg file, the MP4 icon is displayed but functionally