PADS licence (code PII10176P, PII10176F, PII10176T)
The software PADS allows connecting to the PC all models of the STS.
Software features are the following:
To download from the test set test results and settings, and to save them into a file
To open and save test results in the formats: MDB (ACCESS), XLSX (EXCEL), CSV and JPEG
To display in real time the measurements performed by the test set, with possibility to pause the test (when
To display, save and print test results diagrams
To zoom and compare different curves of more than one result
To edit, display and print the test report, with the following information:
Place, substation name, line, phase, model, serial number, operator, date and time
Nominal values: type of device, power, primary and secondary voltage or current
Parameters tolerances
For PT’s: nominal tap voltages
Test result table, with comments about the test results OK or NO
Notes and comments
The program allows also to do the following:
Upload or download test settings
Upload or download test set calibration parameters
PADS software is subject to license, and it is available in three different licenses:
PADS software Primary - Primary test, CTs and VTs Modules
PADS Software Transformer - Power Transformer and Tan(δ) Modules
PADS Full Suite - Primary test, CTs and VTs, Power Transformer and Tan(δ) Modules
ATTENTION: The software runs with any WINDOWS© environment.
Windows, EXCEL and Access are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation
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