The following image exhibits the HV output on the front panel:
Figure 32 - HV output on the front panel
It is possible to see that there is one HV connector, and there are two metering inputs. This allows the Tan(δ)
measurements of all points with one connection. Besides, the IN-A (UST-A) and IN-B (UST-B) can be used as control
points to avoid the measure of parasitic capacitances.
TD 5000 is powered and controlled by STS. During tests, the high power, not isolated STS voltage output is connected
to TD 5000.
The HV generator has electronic control and the following table lists its main characteristics:
Maximum output voltage
Output current
Maximum output duration
>120 s
> 1 h
Table 71 - HV generator main characteristics
ATTENTION: At 10 kV, the output (current value and duration) has the same characteristic
The following table lists the voltage and current output measurement accuracy and resolution:
Internal measure
Typical accuracy
Guaranteed accuracy
± % (rdg)
± % (rg)
± % (rdg)
± % (rg)
12,000 V AC
1 V
± 0.2%
± 0.5 V
< 0.3%
+ 1 V
5 A AC
(@ inputs A or B> 10 mA)
1 mA
± 0.2%
± 1 mA
< 0.5%
< 0.5%
<10 mA AC
(@ inputs A or B)
0.1 µA
± 0.2%
± 0.1 µA
< 0.3%
+ 0.1 µA
Table 72 - voltage and current output measurement accuracy and resolution
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