STCS automatic connection windings module (code PII12175)
This option applies to STS 5000 and STS 4000.
It is applicable when it is necessary to perform one of the following tests on PT:
Winding resistance
Short-circuit impedance
OLTC dynamic test
The following image exhibits the STCS option:
Figure 17 - STCS option
STCS allows performing automatically the tests.
Fast measurement set-up
Low probability of connection errors
The STCS option includes the following:
The input sockets to the STS outputs
The connections of the active output to the HV or LV sides of the PT under test
The connection to the STS measurement inputs
Two relays for the Tap Changer Up and Down commands up to 240 V, 1 A AC, or up to 110 V, 0.1 A DC
The connector to the STS EXT. DEVICE connector
The STCS option comes complete with the following connection cables:
No. 10 cable reels
Marked with different colors, 15 m long
No. 2 High Voltage cables
2 m long, one red and one black, terminated on one side with the HV connector, and on the other
side with 4 mm banana plugs
No. 6 Cables
2 m long, three red and three black, for the connection to: DC current generator, 300 V AC meter,
10 V DC meter. Cables are terminated on both sides with 4 mm banana plugs
No. 1 data cable
To the EXT. DEVICES connector of STS, 2 m long
No. 6 adaptors
From banana to terminal
No. 8 “Kelvin” type clamps
For the connection to the PT bushings
No. 1 Ground cable
6 m long, terminated with terminator and clamp
No. 1 Transport cases
Table 58 – STCS cables
ATTENTION: The cables in the following list come as standard with STCS; they can also be
ordered separately
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