PLCK Polarity Checker (code PII41175)
This option applies to STS 5000 and 4000 models.
The following image exhibits the PLCK option:
Figure 23 - PLCK option
The PLCK Polarity Checker has three colored LED:
Pass (GREEN).Indicates the right polarity
Fail (RED).Indicates the wrong polarity
Low Battery (BLUE). If it blinks, the battery has reached the first low voltage threshold; the fixed light indicates
the second low voltage threshold, in this case the battery should be changed
The detection range of the PLCK Polarity Checker is from 40 mV to 300 V. If a low or distorted signal is detected, both
Pass and Fail LEDs blink. To check the polarity on a very low impedance (e.g. the current terminals of a numeric relay),
is possible that the voltage drop is much less than 40 mV even when the maximum possible current is generated; in this
case check the polarity including the connection cables to the relay, in order to increase the voltage drop.
STLG current injection power transformer for ground tests (code PII70175)
This option applies to STS 5000 and 4000 models.
The following image exhibits the STLG option:
Figure 24 - STLG option
It is a high power, five taps transformer, which acts as an impedance adaptor, increasing the impedance at high test
currents. A high current switch allows selecting the desired current range. A voltage meter displays the generated
voltage or the voltage on the line due to the inductive couplings.
Output current and voltage are measured and sent back to STS measuring inputs; a third output allows STS to
understand which one is the selected range.
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