For instance, the following image exhibits the “CTs – Ratio Polarity and Burden Current Method” page:
Figure 12 - "CTs – Ratio Polarity and Burden Current Method" page
As the test programming is finished, pressing the shortcut “Exit” by the side of the icon, it is possible to come back to
the test selection table. Pressing here the shortcut “Exit Ct’s” by the side of the icon, it is possible to come back to the
main menu, and the Editing is finished.
At the end of the programming, starting the first test, the test set executes the complete sequence. During the test, test
results are stored in the memory.
At the end of the tests, settings and results can be downloaded to a PC, with PADS program included in the TDMS suite,
which comes with the device. The software allows saving test results into a file, examining them, printing them.
Optionally, PADS allows controlling the device from the PC. It is also possible to edit settings with PADS, and to upload
them to STS.
In general, the test is performed ramping the parameter until the desired value is reached; after the necessary test
duration, the parameter is reduced to zero.
The following tables summarizes all tests and the corresponding performances.
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