Remote Video Terminal
Page 7.3
7.3 UPS Maintenance Menu
The description given in Section 3.6.3 for the UPS Maintenance Menu
applies equally to its use from a remote terminal. Make sure that "UPS Maintenance
Menu" is in the upper left-hand area of the CRT screen. Then use the keys that
correspond to the pushbuttons described in this manual. You will need to use the
operator password (level 4) in order to obtain access to the UPS Maintenance Menu.
The various screen messages will appear on the CRT also in the upper left-hand
7.4 Alarm History Screen
Below is a typical Alarm History screen. The alarms are displayed in
date/time order with the most recent alarm at the bottom of the screen.
Mo/Dy/Yr Hr:Mn:Sc:Cy:Q Alarm (U=Up D=Dn +=PgUp -=PgDn T=Top B=Bot M=Monitor)
09/20/91 14:59:27.07.0 sbs output breaker closed
09/20/91 14:59:27.07.0 inv not phase locked
09/20/91 14:59:27.07.0 inv transfer enabled
09/20/91 14:59:27.07.0 inv retransfer enabled
09/20/91 14:59:27.07.0 inv fan normal
09/20/91 14:59:27.08.0 input frequency normal
09/20/91 14:59:27.08.0 sbs bypass frequency normal
09/20/91 14:59:27.10.0 sbs bypass voltage low
09/20/91 14:59:28.41.0 rct phase locked
09/20/91 14:59:28.42.0 input voltage low
09/20/91 14:59:32.23.0 input voltage normal
09/20/91 14:59:32.23.0 sbs bypass voltage normal
09/20/91 14:59:32.23.0 inv phase rotation normal
09/20/91 14:59:32.23.0 rectifier normal
09/20/91 14:59:37.07.1 inv normal temperature
09/20/91 14:59:37.08.0 inv fuse normal
09/20/91 14:59:37.08.0 inv power supply normal
09/20/91 14:59:37.18.0 inv current normal
09/20/91 14:59:37.18.0 output voltage low
09/20/91 14:59:37.18.0 inverter off
09120/91 14:59:37.18.0 sbs off
09/20/91 14:59:39.09.0 inv phase locked
09/20/91 14:59:47.33.0 dc voltage normal
A convenient way of viewing the Alarm History screen is to use the commands at
the top of this screen:
U Scrolls up one alarm
T Goes to the top of the alarm history buffer
D Scrolls down one alarm
B Goes to the bottom of the alarm history buffer
+ Scrolls up one page
M Monitors the occurrence of alarms. All new
- Scrolls down one page
alarms are added to the bottom of the screen.