26 Edit favourite lists
Second part of the “Favourite lists manager” is where you can edit
favourite lists. In picture 33, you can see two lists, the Main TV list on
the left and the My Favourite list on the right. Using the “Blue” key (24)
“TV/Radio” you can toggle between TV and Radio lists on the left side.
Using the “Green” key (9) “Toggle Right/Left” you can toggle between
lists on the right and left side. To move through the lists, use the “Up”,
“Down”, “Left” and “Right” navigation keys. The “Yellow” key (25) is
used to sort the programmes in the list. After this, you can choose the
type sort using the “Red” key (8) for alphabetic sort or the “Green” key
(9) for numeric sort.
The “Red” key (8) “Mark Ch” is used to select multiple channels. Here
you can mark, delete or move a block of programmes.
To add programme(s) you can choose between TV and Radio lists using
the “TV/Radio” key. After this, you must toggle to the left side, main list,
using the “Toggle Right/Left” key, and select one or more programmes using the “Mark Ch” key. Press the “OK” key (6) “Add to favourite”
to add selected programmes from the main list to the favourite list.
To remove programme(s) from the favourite list, you can toggle to the right side, favourite list, using the “Toggle Right/Left” key, and
select one or more programmes using the “Mark Ch” key. Press the “OK” key (6) “Remove” to remove the selected programmes from
the favourite list.
Adding a programme to the favourite list is possible also from the EPG menu (see chapters Program information (Now/Next) and
Quick Save List)
After creating a favourite list you can set the active list – the list the receiver will use by default (see the next chapter set the active list).
It is possible to put TV and radio programmes in the same favourite list. Set the active list
The digital receiver has minimum three lists: Main TV, Main Radio and
My Favourite. In case that user adds some of his favourites, the number
will increase. In all cases user has to set one list, active list that will be
used for zapping. For this setting, there are two keys on the remote
control, “TV/Radio” key (3) and “Fav” key (18).
Pressing one of these two keys, a new screen will be open (see
picture 34). In a table, you can see the numbers with the names of the
programmes. On the right side, there is a small preview screen with
EPG information below and at the bottom user can see all available
Pressing “TV/Radio” key (3) user will toggle between Main TV and Main
Radio lists, and pressing the “Fav” key (18) user will toggle between
favourite lists. The name of the list will be displayed on the top of the
programme list (“Main TV List” on the picture 34).
Use navigation “Up”, “Down”, “Lift”, and “Right” keys for zapping over the
Use the “Blue” key (24) to toggle between “Program info” and “Tech. info” displayed below a small preview screen. The “Green” key (9)
is used to toggle between sort and unsort the programmes in the list. In addition, user can add selected programme to the favourite list
by pressing function “Yellow” key (25) “Add to Favourite list”. The programme will be added in a favourite list that is set in quick save
list settings (see chapter Quick Save List).
After selecting the list press “OK” key (6) “Select” to confi rm selection of active list. This list will be active even after switching off from
power supply.
Picture 34
Picture 33