Steppy 3U Manual
7. SHIFT button
When in Edit mode, press this button to enable
pattern shifting. Pattern shifting allows you to rotate
the active pattern forward or backward by a specified
number of steps. Pattern shifting is available when
the SHIFT button glows
When shifting patterns, the left column of buttons sets
the amount of shift (by step). Buttons above center
shift the pattern earlier in time (up to 4 steps on the
top button). Buttons below center shift the pattern
later in time (up to 4 steps on the bottom button).
When you press a button to set a shift amount, the
display will flash rapidly (the same number of times as
the shift amount) to confirm the shift has occurred.
To set a Shift amount for the selected track, simply
press the left column button corresponding to the
desired value. If you press
and hold
the value button
(long-press), you apply the Shift to all four tracks
In this example, pressing the
button shifts the
pattern later by two steps, meaning any gate that was
once assigned to step 1 is now assigned to
step 3 (1+2); any gate that was once assigned to step
2 is now assigned to step 4 (2+2), etc...
NOTE : Pattern shifting only affects those steps
included within the programmed track length. For
example, if a pattern is 16-steps long, the pattern shift
will affect only those 16-steps. Steps 17-64, because
they are not active, will not be shifted.
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