In order to specify the IPT device identifier, enter it into the entry field
"IPT device identifier". By default, a combination of the string "INS" and
the MAC address of the MoRoS ADSL 2.1 PRO is entered.
In order to increase the time between connection attempts, check the
checkbox "Increase reconnection interval". In this case, the interval
between the connection attempts will increase (1, 5, 15, 30, 60 minutes).
Otherwise, the MoRoS ADSL 2.1 PRO will try to establish a connection
every minute.
In order to specify the maximum time between IPT request and IPT
response that must be exceeded that the connection to the IPT master
will be disconnected and re-established again, enter this time in seconds
into the field "Timeout between request and response".
In order to specify the maximum time between two characters of an IPT
command that must be exceeded that the connection to the IPT master
will be disconnected and re-established again, enter this time in seconds
into the field "Timeout between characters".
In order to enable scrambling of the IPT connection, check the checkbox
"Use scrambling". If scrambling is used, a challenge and a fix scramble
key must be specified. The fix scramble key encrypts the registration
with the IPT master and the challenge scramble key is used for
encryption following the successful registration. While the challenge
scramble key is transferred from the slave to the master, the fix scramble
key must be configured identically at the master and at the slave. Both
keys must have the fix length of 32 bytes that must be specified
hexadecimal with 64 digits for the configuration.
Save your settings by clicking "OK". The IPT slave will be restarted with
this. Existing IPT connections to the master or existing IPT data tunnels
will be closed before.