In order to configure the interval of the keep alive packets, which are
sent, if NAT traversal is used, enter the time in seconds into the field
"Keep alive interval". This can prevent that e.g. a stateful firewall blocks
the connection after an extended inactivity period.
In order to select the tunnel, whose settings are to be edited, select the
desired tunnel from the drop-down list "Tunnel name" and click on the
button "load to edit" then. If settings are made to the currently loaded
tunnel, these must be taken over before using the button "OK", before a
new tunnel is loaded to prevent that these settings get lost. Loading a
tunnel does not save settings that have been made!
In order to activate the loaded tunnel, check the checkbox "Activate
In order to assign a descriptive name to the loaded tunnel, enter it into
the field "Tunnel name". This makes the assignment of messages in the
log or status view easier.
In order to specify the remote terminal, to which the tunnel is to be
established, enter the IP address or the domain name of the remote
terminal into the field "IP address or domain name of remote site". If no
remote terminal is specified, incoming connection requests from all
remote terminals are accepted, but no connection can be initiated. In this
case, the "Action on dead peer" of the dead peer detection must be set
to "hold", since no new incoming connection request can be accepted
any more in case the existing connection has been terminated.
In order to define a network behind the switch of the MoRoS ADSL 2.1
PRO to be tunnelled, enter this network with according netmask into the
field "Local subnet". This does not have to be the actual local subnet, but
can also be behind further gateways. In such a case it must be observed
that the required routing rules are entered correctly. If this field is not
completed, the local subnet is used automatically.
In order to define the local subnet behind the remote terminal, enter this
network with according netmask into the field "Remote subnet". Only
data, which is addressed to this network, is packed in ESP packets.
In order to specify the ID of the remote terminal, enter it into the field
"Remote ID". The respective IP address is used as ID by default. If the
actual IP address differs from the received ID (e.g. due to NAT routers in
between) or is unknown, the ID of the remote terminal can be specified
explicitly (a self-defined string, which must contain an "@"). When using
certificates, the DN (Distinguished Name) is used as ID by default. The
domain name of the remote terminal can also be used as ID, because it is
resolved by a DNS lookup.
In order to adjust the own ID, enter it into the field "Local ID". This is only
necessary, if the default ID can or shall not be used.