The MoRoS ADSL 2.1 PRO provides a freely programmable sandbox. The sandbox
is a kind of a virtual machine, which runs on the device. It is possible to start
programs, collect data and offer services in the sandbox, which do not exist in the
system of the actual device. Moreover, the MoRoS ADSL 2.1 PRO can be
configured out of the sandbox using an ASCII configuration file.
If the sandbox is enabled and the serial interface is reserved for the sandbox in
addition, the sandbox has priority, i.e. redundant communication device and serial
Ethernet gateway are disabled.
You'll find further information about the sandbox and their use under
Configuration via the web interface
In order to enable the sandbox, check in the menu "Systems" on the
page "Sandbox" the checkbox "Activate sandbox".
In order to configure the password for the user "user", enter the desired
password into the field "New password" (the default password is "user").
The user name itself cannot be changed. Permissible are only the
characters 0 to 9, a to z, A to Z and the special characters ! " # $ % : ' ( )
* + , - . / ; < = > ? @ [ ] \ ^ _ { } | ~. The ampersand "&" is not permissible.
The file name of the currently stored sandbox image is indicated behind
"Stored sandbox image:" together with its MD5 checksum.
The file name of the currently installed sandbox image is indicated
behind "Installed sandbox image:" together with its MD5 checksum.
In order to install a stored sandbox image, the checkbox "Install stored
sandbox image" must be checked. The image will then be installed after
storing the settings with "OK".
If an installed sandbox image cannot be started any more (if important
files have been deleted unintentionally for example), a re-installation of
the default image can recover the original state of the sandbox.
In order to reserve the RS232 interface for the sandbox, the checkbox
"Reserve RS232 interface for sandbox" must be checked. In this case,
the functions of the MoRoS ADSL 2.1 PRO, which would also use the
serial interface (e.g. serial Ethernet Gateway), will be disabled
automatically, because the serial interface can only be assigned to one
task exclusively.
In order to allow a configuration out of the sandbox without
authentication, the checkbox "Allow ASCII configuration without
authentication from within the sandbox" must be checked. In this case,
the sandbox will be searched for the file /var/spool/ascii_config.txt once a
minute. If it exists, the MoRoS ADSL 2.1 PRO will be configured using
this ASCII file. Afterwards, the file will be deleted in the sandbox.