— 68 —
ing the encoder directly, the sender (automation system) sends
data to the IP forwarding provider, which automatically keeps
track of encoder’s changing IP address and sends the data to
the encoder’s current IP address.
Dynamic DNS
There are three popular forwarding services available over the
Internet. These services require registration on the appropriate
Website and, as of this writing, are free of charge.
to bring up
Dynamic DNS Config
shown here. The particular for-
warding provider is selected by
clicking on the name. This may
also be selected locally with the
front-panel jog wheel, as de-
scribed under Menu 54 (Page 21),
or even assigned using the Ter-
minal utility with a
A Hostname, Username and Password specific to your 730 En-
coder will be determined when you sign up on the provider’s
Website. This information may then be entered into the soft-
ware window, set locally with the jog wheel under Menus 55, 56
and 57, or may be entered using the Terminal utility.
Dynamic DNS
System Abuse
Each IP address renewal utilizes some small part of the for-
warding provider’s processing resources. These providers
don’t take well to repeated and unnecessary IP address renew-
als. The 730 encoder will normally advise the provider only
when the IP address changes, but it also must sign on following
a power interruption and whenever the
DynDNS Mode
changed. If a particular account makes a nuisance of itself, the
provider may justifiably terminate the account. If this happens
the front-panel display will show an appropriate status mes-
sage in Menu 54 as explained below.
Status Messages
The Menu 54 window shows not only which dynamic DNS pro-
vider has been selected, but also displays a message number
and ‘short label’ for a variety of conditions relating to the dy-
namic DNS service. A chart of these messages and their expla-
nations is given here.
Message ID
Status Explanation
Mode:0 OK
Update successful; hostname is now updated.
Mode:1 OK
Update resulted in no change to settings. This is considered
an ‘abusive’ use of the system and subsequent updates may
cause the hostname to be blocked.
Mode:2: BAD
The hostname has been blocked for update abuse!
Mode:3: BAD
System parameter is not valid. Should be dyndns, statdns or
Mode:4 BAD
The user agent was blocked or otherwise not sent.
Mode:5 Help!
The username and password do not match a real user.
Mode:6 BAD
The user is not a credited user and an option available only to
credited users (such as offline URL) was specified.