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While the primary utility of the scheduler is to change the scrol-
ling-PS (DPS=) message to describe accompanying broadcast
events (a weekly Little League ballgame, for instance), any en-
coder command may be scheduled as well. For example, if an
all-music station were to devote an entire day to election cover-
age, the PTY code could be scheduled to change from ‘Top 40’
to ‘Information.’
Similarly, any encoder command may be executed on a sche-
dule simply by including the header (e.g.: PARSE= , PTYN= ,
AF4= , etc.). If no valid header is included, the encoder as-
sumes the entry is a scrolling-PS message.
Up to 20 separate, 120-character messages or encoder com-
mands may be uploaded to the 730 Encoder for scheduling by
the onboard clock. Events or messages may be scheduled by
the date and time or by the day(s) of the week and time.
The Scheduler is accessed by clicking:
in the
menu bar. The Scheduler screen in the example below has been
programmed for five events: three alternative scrolling-PS mes-
sages that are associated with specific broadcasts, a PTY
change for election coverage, and a Radio Text message also in
connection with the election.
Note that the pointer arrow in this illustration hovers over a
button that opens the window to its widest so that the com-
plete text of messages is displayed.
Clicking in the
boxes will bring up the event
entry box shown here. You may
check any day of the week for a re-
peating event, from a single day to
all seven days. To enter a starting
time for this event, overtype the
desired time onto the current time
shown in the hour, minute and
seconds windows. The
Right Now
button brings the date and time up
to the current PC clock time at the
moment the button is clicked.