Conventional fire detection control panel
[A] The zones
Each zone is provided with a pair of terminals (lines) for the connection of the fire-detection devices
deployed in the protected area. Each line (zone) accepts up to 30 devices (conventional detectors or call
points). The control panel can be configured to discriminate between detector and call point triggered
alarms. Each line can be configured to activate various signals (fire alarm, gas alarm, etc.).
The lines accommodate:
A detector is an active fire protection device that detects smoke or flames and issues an
alarm thereby alerting building occupants to the danger of fire. They can be:
- Optical smoke detectors which look for the presence of visible by-products of combustion in the
detection chamber (Tyndall effect).
- Optical/Heat detectors which operate as per optical smoke detectors but also sense for increase in the
environment temperature. The combination of both sensing methods (smoke and heat) provides faster
detection and reduces the false alarm rate.
- Heat detectors which sense for an increase in the temperature in the protected environment. These can
be either fixed temperature detectors (which generate an alarm signal when the ambient temperature
exceeds the pre-set temperature threshold) or rate-of-rise (which respond to a rapid rise in
- Ionization smoke detectors: feature a harmless radioactive source within a dual detection chamber.
They operate by sensing for a change in electrical conductivity across the detection chamber.
- CO detectors: sense the levels of carbon monoxide given off by all carbon-based materials in the
smouldering stages of a fire (often combined with heat detection sensor).
Conventional call point:
a clearly indicated fire button with instructions for use in the event of fire.
This device is usually located in strategic positions especially near building entry/exit points. When
activated these devices trigger system alarms.
For further information regarding the list of the detectors the lines accommodate, and for details regarding
their operating principles, refer to
Chapter 10 - Detection line threshold-adjustment
In order to comply with EN54-2 requirements, no more than 30 detectors/devices should be
connected to each line.
Each detection line must be terminated with a 3900 ohm resistor (included), in such way as to allow the
control panel to monitor the integrity of the wiring.
[B] SmartLetUSee/LCD-Lite repeater (accessory item)
This optional system enhancement tool (equipped with keypad, LEDs, fast buttons and display) replicates
all the system data. The control panel manages up to 4 repeaters which can be connected at a distance of
up to 1000m from the control panel via RS485 BUS. These devices are usually located near building entry/
exit points in order to allow personnel to obtain information regarding zones affected by alarm conditions
without actually entering the premises.
[C] SmartLevel power supply station (accessory item)
The SmartLevel is the ideal power source for all devices located in the area protected by the fire detection
system. Its internal board meets all EN54 requirements and provides complete supervision of the power
station. The device can be connected to the control panel by means of the RS485 BUS, thus allowing the
complete supervision of the power station and control of the 3 outputs.
[D] Gas extinguishant system (accessory item)
The panel can house and manage a gas extinguishant module (SmartLetLoose/ONE, optional system
enhancement board). The gas extinguishant module is compliant with
EN 12094-1
[E] Sounderflashers
These audible/visual alarm signalling devices connect to the control panel outputs and are capable of
signalling specific conditions. The activation trigger (alarm, pre-alarm, warning, etc.), can be specified
during the system configuration session.