Doc ID: 900434-001
March 2018
error Code flags generated with "IVDD Incubator shaker software"
• open INHECO Incubator Shaker Control Software
click on
open com
send command AID
click on
report error flags
The error codes will appear next to the button
report error flags.
Please send a
screenshot of the section.
Error flag section
All error codes will be deleted after a power down of the incubator.
return to InHeCo only with rMa number
INHECO devices must be repaired by INHECO only. Parts must not be exchanged by
the user. Exchange of parts or broken seals can lead to the loss of warranty. Spare Parts
must be ordered from INHECO.
INHECO only accepts decontaminated devices for repair, firmware update,
maintenance, etc. → Decontamination and Cleaning, page 37.
Devices which were exposed to biosafety level 3 and 4 environments are not accepted
by INHECO for return.
the return procedure before you return a device to INHECO. Do not return any devices
without INHECO’s RMA number. INHECO’s RMA number must be shown on the
outside of the return package. Returns without RMA number are not being processed by
Transportation and Storage
It is recommended to keep the original packaging. INHECO devices should be shipped
and stored in their original packaging with all accessories. Adhere to required
environmental conditions for transportation and storage →Technical Data, page 11.
Do not return Incubator Shaker devices withouth assembled transportation lock. →
Assembling of transportation lock, page 40.
Shut Down and Disposal
INHECO devices must be disposed of in accordance with environmental and biosafety
directives. You have to arrange for correct electric waste disposal following actual safety
regulations for your country.
INHECO devices are RoHS and WEEE compliant.