Doc ID: 900434-001
March 2018
set Disposable off-set command
Aim of setting temperature offsets: the sample reaches and maintains the set
Unless an offset value is determined and set, the temperature of the sample is likely to
differ from the set temperature due to heat loss between the device contact surface and
the sample inside the disposable. To compensate this effect, an offset value can be set
at a chosen temperature, e.g. at one of the target temperatures. After setting the offset
value for one target temperature and setting the room temperature value, a relative
offset value is added to all temperatures above room temperature, resulting in a
temperature offset line with a specific gradient.
How to set the heater Off-set with your workstation software → Manual Workstation
Only for Incubator MP device:
The default Heat up Off-set for 37°C is 4°C for a Greiner 96 Flat Bottom Plate.
If your workstation software does not provide an option to set the heater Offset you can
use the INHECO incubator shaker control software which can be downloaded from the
login section on INHECO' website
→ Manual INHECO Incubator
Shaker Control Software.
The incubator shaker control software offers only limited features to control the incubator
devices and cannot be used for integration into automated systems. It is developed to
send single commands and test the functionality of the devices.
Command for the heater Offset:
SHOxxx (= Set Heater Off-Set and xxx = desired off set)
Example: You want to use an Off-Set of 2°C use Command SHO20
The used Heat-Up Off-Set has an influence on the temperature verification with the IMP
→ Calibration / Verification, chapter 7.5.