Doc ID: 900434-001
March 2018
thermal functionality shaker Mp / shaker DWp
Room Temperature plus 5K to +80°C [+176°F]
Accuracy abso-
lute (@ ambient
stability ±1K)
The accuracy is defined as the difference between the target temperature of
the heating plate and the average of the measured temperature on the heating
plate. The heating plate temperature is measured at 5 positions on the heating
plate according to the INHECO measurement head PM-0105. The 5 measure
ment positions are according to the Plate positions A1, H1, E6, A12 and H12.
Target Temp. Validation Tool
accuracy [°C]
+37°C [+98,6°F]
+60°C [+140°F]
+80°C [+176°F]
(temperatures higher than +60°C re
duces the uniformity over the labware)
Uniformity mea-
sured in well
Uniformity is defined by the maximum difference between lowest and highest
temperature according to a Greiner 96 Flat Bottom Plate (Postitions A1, A12,
E7, H12)
Target Temp. Validation Tool
Uniformity [°C]
+37°C [+98,6°F]
unsealed Micro
Plates (can be
reduced by using
lid or cover)
Incubator tempe37°C
max. 25% loss
of liquid in
4 h
, deionized water, room tempe-
rature 24-26°C [75,2-78,8°F], rel.
humidity 40-50%, altitude at 410 m
over Sea level
Incubator tempe37°C
max. 32% loss
of liquid in
4 h
, deionized water, room tempe-
rature 24-26°C [75,2-78,8°F], rel.
humidity 40-50%, altitude at 410 m
over Sea level
Heatup time
at start tempe-
[+68°F] with tar
get temperature
+37°C [+98°F}
max.30 min;
Volume 280µl
per well
. *
max.100 min;
Volume 1.5 ml
per well
. **
max.30 min;
Volume 280µl
per well
. *
max.120 min;
Volume 1.5 ml
per well. **
* The target temperature is reached when all sensors are in the tolerance band of 37°C ±1°C [98,6°F ±3,6°F]
Measured with: 1)
Greiner 96 Flat Bottom plate
** The target temperature is reached when all sensors are in the tolerance band of 37°C ±1°C [98,6°F ±3,6°F]
Measured with: 1)
nUnC 96 Deep Well plate