Doc ID: 900434-001
March 2018
Calibration and Adjustment
The adjustment of the shaker and/or the calibration of the temperature are done at
INHECO. Settings are stored into the devices EEPROMS and redundant in an INHECO
Database. A redundant check of all data is done. The INHECO Measurement Plate
(IMP) can be used for verifation of shaking amplitude and temperature up to 60°C.
The used Heat-Up Off-Set has an influence on the temperature verification with the IMP.
As the Incubator is delivered with a default Heat-up Off-Set of 4°C at 37°C the IMP will
verify 41°C at 37°C. Thus always check your Off-Set for IMP data verification.
Trouble-Shooting & Support
In case of an operation failure follow the trouble-shooting instructions of this chapter.
INHECO needs the below mentioned information including the serial numbers of your
devices and the error code report. With this information INHECO can help you to
trouble- shoot the reason for the operation failure.
Provide the following when contacting INHECO for support:
INHECO product number of the device (shown on device label)
INHECO product name of the device (shown on device label)
INHECO serial number of the device (shown on device label or via software)
- Detailed error description
Error code report (generated with software “IVDD Incubator Shaker Software”)
- Information about setup of devices:
integrated in workstation
○ controlled by workstation software or INHECO Software
Serial numbers are shown on the device labels of the Incubator unit but you can also
read them out by using INHECO’s software “IVDD Incubator Shaker Software”. →
Manual INHECO Incubator Shaker Control .
The software can also be used to generate to read out the error code flags for the
Incubator unit. Based on the above information, INHECO’s Techhotline decides about
the requirement of a return. → Return for Repair only with RMA Number, page 39.
Serial Numbers via "IVDD Incubator Shaker Software"
Start the IVDD Incubator Shaker Software and click on the button “open com” and
initialize. The software scans all com ports and subsequently displays the connected
• Enter your command RFV2 into the command field. (overwrite the last command
written in this field e.g. RFV)
Fig.22: Command section
Send command