ImpulseRadar PinPointR User Manual V1.5.1
Page 7 (36)
The battery fits securely to the top of the GPR unit. To insert, position it on the mounting plate and
slide it gently into place until you hear the locking pin engage (click). To remove, pull the locking pin
out, then gently slide the battery out and off from the mounting plate, as shown below in
Figure 3
Exchange the battery
The PinPointR push-cart allows the GPR unit to be manoeuvred easily over a range of surfaces. It
incorporates several useful features including a height-adjustable tray for the GPR unit itself, as well
as a foldable handle assembly, and a foot brake.
The GPR unit is mounted in a tray that is suspended under the push-cart hood by adjustable support
straps, as shown in
below. This arrangement allows the unit to be positioned on or very close
to the ground
surface and
‘float’ freely ve
rtically while following the contour of the ground, but also
move over bumps and other small obstacles. When you receive the PinPointR system, the GPR unit
will already be fitted into the tray, but it is possible to remove it. However, this should only be
necessary should the tray become worn through prolonged and direct contact with the ground, or in
the rare instance that the GPR unit fails. Should this be necessary, follow the removal procedure
outlined below in conjunction with