Speedway Reader IPJ-R1000 for UHF Gen 2 RFID
dhcp - Summary of DHCP Client configuration.
dns - Summary of DNS settings.
icmp - ICMP statistics.
iface - Interface status.
ip - IP statistics.
ntp - Summary of NTP settings.
snmp - Not handled yet.
summary - Summary of network settings.
tcp - TCP statistics.
trace - Status of current net trace activity.
udp - UDP statistics.
exit - Exit this submenu and return to the parent menu.
help - Displays this help message.
. - Exit this submenu and return to the parent menu.
? - Displays this help message.
The command usage for
show network dhcp
is shown below:
Usage: show network dhcp
Table 8-17 "show network dhcp" Response Parameters
Parameter Name
sendHostname on|off
Indicates the current setting for
sending the hostname during
DHCP negotiation.
UserClass STRING
Displays the current setting for the
user class DHCP option. If this is
an empty string the user class
option is not sent via DHCP.
Otherwise the value indicates the
string that is sent.
The command usage for
show network dns
is shown below:
Usage: show network dns