Speedway Reader IPJ-R1000 for UHF Gen 2 RFID
1. Regions of Operation
The Speedway reader has been designed to work in various regions with differing frequency requirements. This document
covers operation in North America, Europe, and Taiwan.
In each region, the reader is locked to only operate in the specific frequencies listed in the respective frequency
plan tables (Table 1-1, Table 1-2, and Table 1-3).
1.1. Operation in North America
The FCC stipulates frequency hopping across the North American spectrum allocated to UHF RFID (902
928 MHz, with
hopping occurring between 902.75
927.25 MHz in 500 KHz steps).
Table 1-1 Frequency Plan for North America
Transmit Channel Number
Center Frequency (MHz)
1 902.75
2 903.25
3 903.75
4 904.25
49 926.75
50 927.25
1.2. Operation in Europe
For European operation, the Speedway reader operates under EN 302-208 using listen-before-talk (LBT). An optional setting
allows use of a third-party controller for deployment where readers share channels. Consult the manufacturer of compatible
controllers for details on how to setup and deploy.
Table 1-2 Frequency Plan for Europe
Transmit Channel Number
Center Frequency (MHz)
4 865.7
7 866.3
10 866.9
13 867.5
1.3. Operation in Taiwan
The Speedway reader supports the frequency plan listed in Table 1-3 for operation in Taiwan. The NCC stipulates frequency
hopping across the Taiwanese spectrum allocated to UHF RFID (922-928 MHz, with hopping occurring between
922.25–927.75 MHz in 500 KHz steps).
Table 1-3 Frequency Plan for Taiwan
Transmit Channel Number
Center Frequency (MHz)
1 922.25
2 922.75
11 927.25
12 927.75