Speedway Reader IPJ-R1000 for UHF Gen 2 RFID
The command usage is shown below:
Usage: config network ntp add <server-name>
Usage: config network ntp del <server-name>
Usage: config network ntp delall
A sample of the command and response is shown below:
> config network ntp add yourservername.com
> Status=0,'success'
config network trace Command
config network trace
command sets up a remote network trace utility to redirect all traffic from the
to a
remote system. For example, it is possible to redirect all data transmitted and received on the external network connection to a
remote computer for analysis. When the trace is active, the data is transmitted in “libpcap” format to the remote system via a
TCP/IP connection. Since TCP/IP requires acknowledgement of packet data, an application (such as “netcat” in Linux/Unix)
must be running on the remote computer (on the desired port) to save all the data transmitted, otherwise the data will be
dropped and the trace will end. The commands are shown below:
start - Start the remote network trace utility.
stop - Stops the remote network trace utility.
exit - Exit this submenu and return to the parent menu.
help - Displays this help message.
. - Exit this submenu and return to the parent menu.
? - Displays this help message.
The command usage is shown below:
Usage: config network trace start <source> <destination address>
<destination TCP port>
config network trace stop
A sample of the command and response is shown below:
> config network trace start external my_pc 2002
> Status=0,'success'
This command would start redirecting all external network traffic to
for analysis. Note that
must have a TCP/IP listener waiting on port 2002 to accept and store the data. For example, if
is running Linux/Unix, it
is possible to use the “netcat” utility to listen on port 2002 and redirect the data to a file. Since this file is in “libpcap” format, it
may be directly opened with standard networking monitoring tools such as “tcpdump,” “ethereal,” or “wireshark.”
To stop an active redirection, enter:
> config network trace stop
> Status=0,'success'