Parameter adjustment
When a function has been selected, you can increment or decrement its parameter either
continuously using the control knob or in steps using the [
] and [
] keys. You can also
simultaneously adjust two parameters by means of the [KNOB LOCK] key.
Using the control knob
You enable the control knob by pressing the [KNOB ON/OFF] key so that the parameter to be
adjusted is displayed outlined by a bracket. With the control knob enabled, you can set its
resolution. Press the [
10] key to increase the bracket length by one decimal place. Similarly,
press the [
10] key to decrease the bracket length by one decimal place. In this way you
respectively increase or decrease the resolution of the control knob by a factor of ten.
Disabling the control knob will help to ensure that accidental changes to the set parameters are
Two-parameter adjustment
A feature of this instrument is that the [KNOB LOCK] key enables you to simultaneously and
independently adjust two parameters using the control knob and the [
] [
] keys. Proceed as
(1) Select the function to be assigned to the control knob for adjustment by pressing its soft key,
for example
[Carrier Freq].
When selected, the soft key is highlighted so that the line
bordering the key label is increased in thickness to about 1 mm.
(2) Enable the control knob using the [KNOB ON/OFF] key (so that the bracket is visible above
and below the parameter).
(3) Press the [KNOB LOCK] key. Now any movement of the control knob will only adjust the
parameter of the assigned function leaving you free to select a second function (for example
[RF Level])
and adjust its parameter this time using the [
] and [
] keys. At all times the
function locked to the control knob is identified by its parameter being outlined by a bracket
and an inverse-video bracket symbol being displayed at the lower right of the screen.