IBM SPSS Data Collection Interviewer Server installation information
gure Interviewer Server Administration load balancing to use an SSL accelerator.
On all machines running the Interviewing Service, change the Interview Engine load balancing
algorithm used to distribute interviews to those machines.
If you are using SQL Server 2005 and a named instance, edit
to control the
servers available to the Participants and Activate activities.
If you are upgrading from a previous version of IBM SPSS Data Collection Server, and you want to
query your old log
les (from the Manage Logs activity for example), copy the old logs from the
previous version’s log directory to the new IBM SPSS Data Collection Server 6.0.1 log location (by
[INSTALL_FOLDER]\IBM\SPSS\DataCollection\6\Interviewer Server Administration\Logs
If using one of the supported third party dialers (PRO-T-S or Sytel), refer to
Dialer certi
information regarding dialer certi
cation status.
Install the IBM® SPSS® Data Collection Developer Library on the appropriate machines.
IBM SPSS Data Collection Interviewer Server system configurations
IBM® SPSS® Data Collection Interviewer Server has the following services:
Web Service.
Interacts with respondents through their browsers.
Interview Service.
Runs the majority of the interviewing and Project Management software,
including the IBM® SPSS® Data Collection Data Model. If you install this service on a
number of machines in a cluster, the installation procedure makes the
rst machine hosting
the service the Primary Interviewer Server and the second machine the Secondary Interviewer
Accessories Service.
Hosts Internet Information Server (IIS) and stores IBM® SPSS® Data
Collection Interviewer Server Administration and all Interviewer Server Administration
and Interviewer Server activities.
Database Service.
Runs SQL Server and stores the response data. May also store the sample
and quota databases. The Interviewer Server installation procedure does not install anything
on machines running just this service.
Scriptwriter Service.
Installed on a client machine. Includes the Data Model and Activate
components. The Scriptwriter Service is typically used by scriptwriters who do not have
access to Interviewer Server Administration via their browsers.
Depending on the size of your installation, you may install several services all on one machine, or
install each service on a different machine, or install the same service on a number of machines.
: If you install onto more than one machine (known as a “cluster installation”) you must
install onto machines running the Accessories Service
rst. Follow this with machines running the
Interview and Web Services in that order. Finally, install the Scriptwriter Service where necessary.
Very small sites may use a single machine for all functions, and you will install the Scriptwriter
Service, Web Service, Interview Service, Accessories Service, and Microsoft SQL Server all on
that machine. Larger sites may wish to use this type of set-up for testing purposes, while setting
up their main system using several machines. If this is the type of installation that you require,
you may prefer to use the Standard installation procedure.