Chapter 3
On all machines running the Web Service, if that machine has multiple IP addresses and web sites
gured for each IP address, replace the Web Service machine names with IP addresses in DPM
and reregister the Interview Service machines.
If machines running the Web Service will be accessed through the internet, replace the machine names
in the DimensionsInterviewURL and FileManagerWebserviceURL properties with fully quali
machine names.
On all machines running the Interviewing Service, if your site uses SSL, cancel the requirement for
mrIEngWS to use a secure channel.
On all machines running the Interviewing Service, start mrUserAdminServer and mrDPMServer3 if
they are not already running.
Check that access control permissions have been set correctly for FMRoot and all its subfolders.
If using an IBM® SPSS® Data Collection Dialer, license the Dialer via the License Authorization
Wizard. Run the License Authorization Wizard from
Start > All Programs > IBM SPSS Data Collection
6.0.1 > License Authorization Wizard
: When licensing Dialer in a Windows Server 2003 R2 or 2008 (x64 64-bit edition) environment,
you must locally login to the server before attempting to license Dialer. If you attempt to login to
a domain and then license Dialer, you will not be able to work with CATI projects in the Phone
Participants activity.
Modify the TCP/IP registry settings on all machines running the Interview and Web Services.
Post-Installation on Local Machines
Enable pop-ups and
le downloads in your Web browser.
Set up automatic NT login for Interviewer Server Administration users who use the Firefox browser.
For users who will run Interviewer Server Administration using the Firefox browser on the WYSE
5150SE, increase the default font size in Firefox.
Install the Microsoft .NET Framework Assistant for user who use the Firefox browser to run Survey
Reporter Server Edition or Author Server Edition.
Optional Post-Installation
If you are upgrading from an earlier version of Interviewer Server\mrInterview, delete the Signal
call outcome code from DPM.
On machines running the Database Service, add indexes to any existing sample tables to improve
If your site uses telephone interviewing (CATI), increase the size of the appRequestQueueLimit setting
for the .NET Framework on all machines running the Web Service.
If your site uses telephone interviewing, change the con
guration settings for the interviewing engine
and the .NET Framework on all machines running the Interview Service to avoid requests being
queued due to blocked thread pools.
Install the IBM® SPSS® Data Collection Load Tool on a machine of your choice, preferably one
outside the Interviewer Server cluster.
gure the Interviewer Server Administration Email activity if not already done during installation.
On machines running the Interviewing or Accessories Services, increase the number and/or size of
the log
If necessary, create a hosts
le linking machine names to IP addresses (may be needed for some
Set up your Web site to use SSL.
On machines running the Accessories Service, set up Interviewer Server Administration load balancing
to specify the machines on which Interviewer Server and its applications will run.