Owner’s Manual
12. Appendix
SSI&TSI Dialing Rules
In the TETRA system, subscribers are distinguished by different identities. Each subscriber is assigned
with a unique short subscriber identity (SSI), which serves a part of the TETRA subscriber identity (TSI).
And TSI is generally composed in this way: Mobile Country Code (MCC) + Mobile Network Code (MNC)
+ SSI. To initiate an individual call, please dial the SSI or TSI in compliance with the rules below.
SSI Dialing
Make sure there are not more than 8 digits.
TSI Dialing
1) Input the MNC as it is;
2) SSI must be 8 digits long. Add 0 before the first digit of SSI which is shorter than 8 digits.
For example, when MNC is 20 and SSI is 504, you need to input 2000000504.
1) MCC must contain 3 digits. Add 0 before the first digit of MCC which is shorter than 3 digits;
2) MNC must contain 4 or 5 digits. When the MNC is shorter than 4 digits, add 0 before its first
digit; when it is 5 digits long, use it directly;
3) SSI must be 8 digits long. Add 0 before the first digit of SSI which is shorter than 8 digits.
For example, when MCC is 460, MNC is 20 and SSI is 504, you need to input 460002000000504.