Version January 2009
HST300 User’s Manual
H Ü R N E R S c h w e i s s t e c h n i k G m b H
Nieder-Ohmener Str.
35325 Mücke, Germany
the screen shows first the display that allows entering the first additional
data, then the one for the second additional data. This input can be en-
tered either using the alphanumeric input routine (see section 5.11) or
by reading from a bar code using the scanning pen.
For the “Enter Additional Data 1” screen, the maximum length is 20 char-
acters. Confirm your input by pressing the START key. The additional data
will be saved to memory and will appear in the printed welding report. By
pressing STOP/RESET, you skip this screen and do not save anything.
For the “Enter Additional Data 2” screen, the maximum length is 15 char-
acters. Confirm your input by pressing the START key. The additional data
will be saved to memory and will appear in the printed welding report. By
pressing STOP/RESET, you skip this screen and do not save anything.
You are free to define any additional data you see fit. For instance, you
can put into these fields information on pipe length, ditch depth, or com-
ments that help with welding traceability.
6.4 Entering Weather Conditions
If the weather conditions feature is enabled in the system set-up, this
input is required before the fitting code can be entered.
Use the arrow keys
to select from “sunny,” “dry,” “rain,” “wind,” “tent,”
and “heating.” Press the START key to confirm your selection. The selec-
tion is saved to memory and will appear in the printed welding report.
6.5 Entering the Installing Company
If the feature that allows entering the name of the company installing the
pipelines is enabled in the system set-up, this input is required before
the fitting code can be entered.
Using the alphanumeric input routine (see section 5.11), enter the install-
ing company’s name and press the START key to confirm it. The name is
saved to system memory and will appear in the printed welding report.
6.6 Entering Geo Data
If the geo data input is enabled in the system set-up, this input is required
before the fitting code can be entered.
On the screen that is displayed, enter northing, easting, and altitude
values. Use the arrow keys
to move from digit to digit (when the
cursor is on the last or the first digit of a line, it will move to the next or
previous line, respectively), then enter the individual digits on the keypad.
After the values were entered, confirm them all with the START key.
6.7 Entering the 2
Fitting Code
If the ISO data feature is enabled in the system set-up, after the fitting
code was entered, the input “Enter 2
Fitting Code” is required.
This input is entered either from a bar code using the scanning pen or
manually using the keys of the alphanumeric pad. Press the START key
to confirm your input. If the code entered is not correct, a “Code Error”
message appears; check the string of numbers and correct as needed.
If the code entered is correct, it is saved to system memory and inserted
into the welding reports to be printed. By pressing the STOP/RESET key,
you skip this input.
Display 14
Display 13
Display 12
Display 11
Enter Installing Co.
Enter Geo Data
Easting :0000000,000
Above sea 0000,00
Enter 2.Fitting Code
Display 10
Enter Add. Data 1