SmartACU2000B smart array controller
User Manual (with PID modules, 800 V AC)
4 Installation
Issue 05 (2019-01-20)
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
4.6 Opening the Main Cabinet Door
Before opening the main cabinet door, turn off all upstream switches for the smart array
controller to power off the controller. After that, wait at least 3 minutes and then operate
the smart array controller. If you have to operate an energized smart array controller, wear
insulation gloves and take protective measures.
If you need to open the main cabinet door on rainy or snowy days, take protective
measures to prevent rain or snow from entering the cabinet. If impossible, do not open the
main cabinet door on rainy or snowy days.
Do not leave unused screws in the cabinet.
Step 1
Loosen the screws on the main cabinet.
Figure 4-13
Loosening screws
Step 2
Open the main cabinet door and use the support bar to stabilize the door.