Square-Sum of round trip time: 24360
Extended results:
Packet loss ratio: 0%
Failures due to timeout: 0
Failures due to internal error: 0
Failures due to other errors: 0
Packets out of sequence: 0
Packets arrived late: 0
UDP-jitter results:
RTT number: 550
Min positive SD: 1 Min positive DS: 1
Max positive SD: 7 Max positive DS: 1
Positive SD number: 220 Positive DS number: 97
Positive SD sum: 283 Positive DS sum: 287
Positive SD average: 1 Positive DS average: 2
Positive SD square-sum: 709 Positive DS square-sum: 1937
Min negative SD: 2 Min negative DS: 1
Max negative SD: 10 Max negative DS: 1
Negative SD number: 81 Negative DS number: 94
Negative SD sum: 556 Negative DS sum: 191
Negative SD average: 6 Negative DS average: 2
Negative SD square-sum: 4292 Negative DS square-sum: 967
One way results:
Max SD delay: 5 Max DS delay: 5
Min SD delay: 1 Min DS delay: 1
Number of SD delay: 550 Number of DS delay: 550
Sum of SD delay: 1475 Sum of DS delay: 1201
Square-Sum of SD delay: 5407 Square-Sum of DS delay: 3959
SD lost packets: 0 DS lost packets: 0
Lost packets for unknown reason: 0
Reaction statistics:
Index Checked Element Threshold Type Checked Num Over-threshold Num
1 jitter-DS accumulate 90 25
2 jitter-SD average - -
3 OWD-DS - 100 24
4 OWD-SD - 100 13
5 packet-loss accumulate 0 0
6 RTT accumulate 100 52
# Display the statistics for the voice operation with administrator name
and operation tag
<Sysname> display nqa statistics admin test
NQA entry (admin admin, tag test) test statistics:
NO. : 1
Start time: 2007-01-01 09:33:45.3
Life time: 120 seconds
Send operation times: 10 Receive response times: 10
Min/Max/Average round trip time: 1/12/7
Square-Sum of round trip time: 620
Extended results: