Actual buffer size: 512
Dropped messages: 0
Overwritten messages: 718
Current messages: 512
%Jun 17 15:57:09:578 2006 Sysname SYSLOG/7/SYS_RESTART:System restarted --
# (Distributed devices in standalone mode/centralized devices in IRF mode.) Display the state and
log information of the log buffer.
<Sysname> display logbuffer slot 1
Log buffer: Enabled
Max buffer size: 1024
Actual buffer size: 512
Dropped messages: 0
Overwritten messages: 0
Current messages: 127
%Jun 19 18:03:24:55 2006 Sysname SYSLOG /7/SYS_RESTART:System restarted
# (Distributed devices in IRF mode.) Display the state and log information of the log buffer.
<Sysname> display logbuffer chassis 0 slot 1
Log buffer: Enabled
Max buffer size: 1024
Actual buffer size: 512
Dropped messages: 0
Overwritten messages: 0
Current messages: 127
%Jun 19 18:03:24:55 2006 Sysname SYSLOG/7/SYS_RESTART:System restarted
Table 91 Command output
Field Description
Log buffer
—Logs can be output to the log buffer.
—Logs cannot be output to the buffer.
Max buffer size
Maximum buffer size supported by the device.
Actual buffer size
Maximum buffer size configured by using the
info-center logbuffer size
Dropped messages
Number of dropped messages.
Overwritten messages
Number of overwritten messages.
Current messages
Number of current messages.
Related commands
info-center logbuffer
reset logbuffer