MPLS export information:
Flow source interface : GigabitEthernet1/0/1
Flow destination VPN instance : VPN1
Flow destination IP address (UDP) : (30000)
Version 9 exported flows number : 20
Version 9 exported UDP datagrams number (failed) : 2 (0)
as aggregation export information:
Flow source interface : GigabitEthernet1/0/1
Flow destination VPN instance : VPN1
Flow destination IP address (UDP) : (30000)
Version 8 exported flows number : 16
Version 8 exported UDP datagrams number (failed) : 2 (0)
Version 9 exported flows number : 16
Version 9 exported UDP datagrams number (failed) : 2 (0)
Table 83 Command output
Field Description
IP export information
NetStream data export information.
Flow source interface
Source interface from which the NetStream data is exported.
Flow destination VPN instance
VPN to which the destination address of the NetStream data
export belongs.
Flow destination IP address (UDP)
Destination IP address and UDP port number of the NetStream
data export.
Version 5 exported flows number
Number of flows that are exported in version 5 format.
Version 5 exported UDP datagrams
number (failed)
Number of UDP packets that are sent in version 5 format. The
field in the parentheses indicates the number of UDP packets that
failed to be sent.
Version 9 exported flows number
Number of flows that are exported in version 9 format.
Version 9 exported UDP datagrams
number (failed)
Number of UDP packets that are sent in version 9 format. The
value in the parentheses displays the number of UDP packets
that failed to be sent.
MPLS export information
Statistics of the MPLS-aware NetStream data export in version 9.
as aggregation export information
Statistics of NetStream AS aggregation in version 8 format.
Version 8 exported flows number
Number of flows that are exported in version 8 format.
Version 8 exported UDP datagrams
number (failed)
Number of UDP packets that are sent in version 8 format. The
field in the parentheses indicates the number of UDP packets that
failed to be sent.
display ip netstream template
display ip netstream template
to display NetStream template information.
Centralized devices in standalone mode: