Name |||lldpXMedRemDeviceClass
OID ||||1.0.8802.
Name |mplsL3VpnVrfUp
OID ||
Trap Object
Name |||mplsL3VpnIfConfRowStatus
OID ||||
Name |||mplsL3VpnVrfOperStatus
OID ||||
Table 34 Command output
Field Description
Name of a MIB notification node.
OID of a MIB notification node.
Trap Object
Name and OID of a notification object.
# Display detailed information about SNMP MIB nodes, including node names, OIDs, node types,
permissions to MIB nodes, data types, MORs, and parent, child, and sibling nodes.
<Sysname> display snmp-agent mib-node verbose
Name |lldpNotificationInterval
OID ||1.0.8802.
Properties ||NodeType: Leaf
||AccessType: RW
||DataType: Integer32
||MOR: 0x020c1105
Parent ||lldpConfiguration
First child ||
Next leaf ||lldpPortConfigPortNum
Next sibling ||lldpPortConfigTable
Allow ||get/set/getnext
Value range || [5..3600]
Name |lldpPortConfigTable
OID ||1.0.8802.
Properties ||NodeType: Table
||AccessType: NA
||DataType: NA
||MOR: 0x00000000
Parent ||lldpConfiguration
First child ||lldpPortConfigEntry
Next leaf ||lldpPortConfigPortNum
Next sibling ||lldpConfigManAddrTable
Name |lldpPortConfigEntry
OID ||1.0.8802.
Properties ||NodeType: Row