1047 1047 120 R 9 1420K 00:02:30 37.11% diagd
1 1 120 S 17 1092K 00:00:21 11.34% scmd
1000 1000 115 S 0 0K 00:00:09 2.06% [sock/1]
1026 1026 120 S 20 26044K 00:00:05 1.54% syslogd
1027 1027 120 S 12 9280K 00:01:12 1.03% devd
4 4 115 S 0 0K 00:00:06 0.51% [ksoftirqd/0]
1009 1009 115 S 0 0K 00:00:08 0.51% [karp/1]
1010 1010 115 S 0 0K 00:00:13 0.51% [kND/1]
5373 5373 120 S 8 1496K 00:00:00 0.51% top
2 2 115 S 0 0K 00:00:00 0.00% [kthreadd]
3 3 99 S 0 0K 00:00:00 0.00% [migration/0]
5 5 99 S 0 0K 00:00:00 0.00% [watchdog/0]
6 6 115 S 0 0K 00:00:01 0.00% [events/0]
7 7 115 S 0 0K 00:00:00 0.00% [khelper]
4796 4796 120 S 11 2744K 00:00:00 0.00% login
4797 4797 120 S 8 28832K 00:00:03 0.00% comsh
Five seconds later, the system refreshes process statistics as follows (which is the same as
executing the
monitor process dumbtty
command twice at a 5-second interval):
76 processes; 103 threads; 687 fds
Thread states: 1 running, 102 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
CPU states: 78.71% idle, 0.16% user, 14.86% kernel, 6.25% interrupt
Memory: 496M total, 341M available, page size 4K
1047 1047 120 R 9 1420K 00:02:31 14.25% diagd
1 1 120 S 17 1092K 00:00:21 4.25% scmd
1027 1027 120 S 12 9280K 00:01:12 1.29% devd
1000 1000 115 S 0 0K 00:00:09 0.37% [sock/1]
5373 5373 120 S 8 1500K 00:00:00 0.37% top
6 6 115 S 0 0K 00:00:01 0.18% [events/0]
1009 1009 115 S 0 0K 00:00:08 0.18% [karp/1]
1010 1010 115 S 0 0K 00:00:13 0.18% [kND/1]
4795 4795 120 S 11 2372K 00:00:01 0.18% telnetd
2 2 115 S 0 0K 00:00:00 0.00% [kthreadd]
3 3 99 S 0 0K 00:00:00 0.00% [migration/0]
4 4 115 S 0 0K 00:00:06 0.00% [ksoftirqd/0]
5 5 99 S 0 0K 00:00:00 0.00% [watchdog/0]
7 7 115 S 0 0K 00:00:00 0.00% [khelper]
4796 4796 120 S 11 2744K 00:00:00 0.00% login
4797 4797 120 S 8 28832K 00:00:03 0.00% comsh
# Display process statistics in interactive mode.
<Sysname> monitor process
76 processes; 103 threads; 687 fds
Thread states: 1 running, 102 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
CPU states: 78.98% idle, 0.16% user, 14.57% kernel, 6.27% interrupt
Memory: 496M total, 341M available, page size 4K