Field Description
Sample type
Sample type (MIB object alarmSampleType):
—RMON compares the value of the variable with the rising and
falling thresholds at the end of the sampling interval.
—RMON subtracts the value of the variable at the previous sample
from the current value, and then compares the difference with the rising
and falling thresholds.
Sampled variable
Monitored variable (MIB object alarmVariable).
Sampling interval
Interval (in seconds) at which data is sampled and compared with the rising
and falling thresholds.
The MIB object for this field is alarmInterval.
Rising threshold
Alarm rising threshold (MIB object alarmRisingThreshold).
A rising alarm will be generated if the current sampled value is greater than or
equal to this threshold, and the value at the previous sampling interval was
less than this threshold.
A rising alarm will also be generated if the first sample after this entry
becomes valid is greater than or equal to this threshold and the associated
alarmStartupAlarm instance is equal to
associated with event
Event index (EventEntry) associated with the alarm:
MIB object alarmRisingEventIndex stores the event index that is used
when the rising threshold is crossed.
MIB object alarmFallingEventIndex stores the event index that is used
when the falling threshold is crossed.
Falling threshold
Alarm falling threshold (MIB object alarmFallingThreshold).
A falling alarm will be generated if the current sampled value is less than or
equal to this threshold, and the value at the previous sampling interval was
greater than this threshold.
A falling alarm will also be generated if the first sample after this entry
becomes valid is less than or equal to this threshold, and the associated
alarmStartupAlarm is equal to
Alarm sent upon entry
Alarm that can be generated when the entry becomes valid (MIB object
—Generates a rising alarm if the first sample after the entry
becomes valid is greater than or equal to the rising threshold.
—Generates a falling alarm if the first sample after the entry
becomes valid is less than or equal to the rising threshold.
—Generates a rising alarm or falling alarm if the
first sample after the entry becomes valid crosses the rising threshold or
falling threshold.
The default is
Latest value
Most recent sampled value (MIB object alarmValue).
Related commands
rmon alarm
display rmon event
display rmon event
to display RMON event entries.