0 ASN.1 or BER errors in the process of decoding.
1679 messages passed from the SNMP entity.
0 SNMP PDUs had badValue error-status.
0 SNMP PDUs had genErr error-status.
0 SNMP PDUs had noSuchName error-status.
0 SNMP PDUs had tooBig error-status (Maximum packet size 1500).
16544 MIB objects retrieved successfully.
2 MIB objects altered successfully.
7 GetRequest-PDU accepted and processed.
7 GetNextRequest-PDU accepted and processed.
1653 GetBulkRequest-PDU accepted and processed.
1669 GetResponse-PDU accepted and processed.
2 SetRequest-PDU accepted and processed.
0 Trap PDUs accepted and processed.
0 alternate Response Class PDUs dropped silently.
0 forwarded Confirmed Class PDUs dropped silently.
Table 38 Command output
Field Description
messages delivered to the SNMP entity
Number of messages that the SNMP agent
has received.
messages were for an unsupported version
Number of messages that had an SNMP
version not configured on the SNMP agent.
messages used an unknown SNMP community name
Number of messages that used an unknown
SNMP community name.
messages represented an illegal operation for the
community supplied
Number of messages carrying an operation
that the community has no right to perform.
ASN.1 or BER errors in the process of decoding
Number of messages that had ASN.1 or
BER errors during decoding.
messages passed from the SNMP entity
Number of messages sent by the SNMP
SNMP PDUs had badValue error-status
Number of PDUs with a BadValue error.
SNMP PDUs had genErr error-status
Number of PDUs with a genErr error.
SNMP PDUs had noSuchName error-status
Number of PDUs with a NoSuchName error.
SNMP PDUs had tooBig error-status
Number of PDUs with a TooBig error (the
maximum packet size is 1500 bytes).
MIB objects retrieved successfully
Number of MIB objects that have been
successfully retrieved.
MIB objects altered successfully
Number of MIB objects that have been
successfully modified.
GetRequest-PDU accepted and processed
Number of GetRequest requests that have
been received and processed.
GetNextRequest-PDU accepted and processed
Number of getNext requests that have been
received and processed.
GetBulkRequest-PDU accepted and processed
Number of getBulk requests that have been
received and processed.