Check drive security in the BIOS
Before you begin
You have displayed the PERC BIOS Configuration Utlity on the computer connected to the OmniCube
host. See
Access the PERC BIOS Configuration Utility
on page 32.
Procedure overview
If you do not want to reboot the system, you can check drive security in the IPMI web interface. See
Check drive security in the IPMI web interface
on page 34.
Select the
PERC H730P Mini
controller and press
. The Virtual Disk Management screen
appears for the selected controller.
For virtual disks:
a) Select
Disk Group: 0, RAID 1
for the CN-2400-E or
Disk Group: 0, RAID 5
for the CN-5400-E and
review the Secured field to the right. "Yes" indicates that the virtual disk is secure.
b) Select
Disk Group: 0, RAID 6
for the CN-2400-E or
Disk Group: 0, RAID 60
for the CN-5400-E
and review the Secured field to the right.
c) If the secured field is "No," it means the disk group is not secured. Follow the steps in
Secure disk
groups with a Security Key
on page 35 to secure the disk.
For physical disks:
a) Press
to display the Physical Disk Management screen.
b) Select a disk and review the Secured field to the right. "Yes" indicates that the disk is secure. The
Encryption Capable field indicates whether the disk supports encryption.
c) If the secured field is "No," it means the disk group is not secured. Follow the steps in
Secure disk
groups with a Security Key
on page 35 to secure the disk.