configuring an authentication source subnet, 129
configuring IP address-supported URL address
filtering, 377
configuring Java blocking, 378
configuring portal server detection function, 135
configuring portal server detection functions, 135
configuring URL address filtering, 376, 379
configuring URL parameter filtering, 377, 381
configuring user information synchronization
(portal), 137
controlling portal user access, 128
cross-subnet across VPNs portal authentication
configuration, 169
cross-subnet portal authentication configuration,
cross-subnet portal authentication with extended
functions configuration, 152
direct portal authentication configuration, 139
direct portal authentication with extended functions
configuration, 148
enabling Layer 3 portal authentication, 128
enabling portal authentication, 127
extended portal functions, 115
firewall configuration, 345
IP address-supported URL address filtering, 374
Java blocking function, 375
Layer 3 portal authentication process, 120
logging off portal users, 138
portal configuration, 115, 139
portal server detection configuration, 163
portal system components, 115
portal user information synchronization
configuration, 163
re-DHCP portal authentication configuration, 144
re-DHCP portal authentication with extended
functions configuration, 150
security (PKI), 221
setting max number of online portal users, 130
specifying auto redirect URL (portal), 134
specifying portal server, 127
specifying portal server for Layer 3 authentication,
specifying user authentication domain (portal),
URL address filtering, 374
URL parameter filtering, 375
URL redirection (EAD), 99
users not correctly redirected (EAD fast
deployment), 103
web filtering
configuration, 374, 376, 379
displaying, 379
maintaining, 379
troubleshooting, 383
troubleshooting ACL configuration failure, 385
troubleshooting failure to add filtering entry or
suffix keyword due to upper limit, 383
troubleshooting invalid blocking suffix, 385
troubleshooting invalid characters present in
configured parameter, 383
troubleshooting invalid use of wildcard, 384
troubleshooting unable to access the HTTP server
by IP address, 385
websites, 443
with directories (SFTP), 331
with files (SFTP), 332