FIPS mode, 440
firewall function, 348, 352
invalid SPI recovery (IPsec), 261
IPv4 firewall function, 348
IPv6 firewall function, 349
Layer 3 portal authentication, 128
multicast trigger function (802.1X), 88
Naptha attack protection, 406
OUI MAC address detection (ARP attack
protection), 424
packet information pre-extraction on IPsec tunnel
interface, 268
password control, 200
periodic online user re-authentication function
(802.1X), 90
port security, 177
portal authentication, 127
quiet timer (802.1X), 89
RADIUS offload feature, 31
router for first-time authentication support
(SSH2.0), 314
server (SFTP), 329
server function (SSH2.0), 309
session logging, 365
source MAC consistency check for packet (ND
attack defense), 436
static IP source guard binding entry detection (ARP
attack protection), 424
SYN cookie feature, 405
the proxy detection function (802.1X), 87
traffic statistics on interface, 397
trap (port security), 181
trap function (RADIUS), 32
unicast trigger function (802.1X), 88
user profile, 196
encapsulation mode (IPsec), 244
algorithm (IPsec), 244
enabling encryption engine, 259
FIPS configuration, 440
public key configuration, 211, 215
SSH2.0 client configuration, 323
SSH2.0 configuration, 305
SSH2.0 router acts as password authentication
client configuration, 323
SSH2.0 router acts as password authentication
server configuration, 316
SSH2.0 router acts as public key authentication
server configuration, 318
SSH2.0 router acts as publickey authentication
client configuration, 326
SSH2.0 server configuration, 316
Endpoint Admission Defense.
engine (IPsec encryption), 259
entity (PKI), 220, 222
client connection to server (SFTP), 331
client-server connection (SSH2.0), 315
IPsec tunnel in manual mode, 270
IPsec tunnel through IKE negotiation, 272
local DSA host public key, 212
local RSA host public key, 212
troubleshooting ACL configuration failure, 385
troubleshooting failure to add filtering entry or
suffix keyword due to upper limit, 383
troubleshooting failure to request local certificate,
troubleshooting failure to retrieve CA certificate,
troubleshooting failure to retrieve CRLs, 242
troubleshooting SSL handshake failure, 344