setting username format (HWTACACS), 37
specifying access control method (802.1X), 84
specifying accounting server and parameters
(RADIUS), 22
specifying authentication server (HWTACACS), 34
specifying authentication/authorization server
(RADIUS), 22
specifying authorization server (HWTACACS), 35
specifying auto redirect URL (portal), 134
specifying backup source IP address for outgoing
packets (RADIUS), 28
specifying client source IP address/interface
(SFTP), 330
specifying device ID used in stateful failover mode,
specifying EAP message handling method, 83
specifying mandatory port authentication domain
(802.1X), 89
specifying NAS ID profile for an interface, 131
specifying NAS-Port-Type for an interface, 131
specifying persistent session rule, 365
specifying portal server, 127
specifying portal server for Layer 3 authentication,
specifying RADIUS client, 49
specifying server's VPN (HWTACACS), 37
specifying source IP address for outgoing packets
specifying source IP address for outgoing packets
(RADIUS), 27
specifying source IP address for outgoing portal
packets, 132
specifying source IP address/interface for client
(SSH2.0), 313
specifying the server's VPN (RADIUS), 24
specifying user authentication domain (MAC
authentication), 107
specifying user authentication domain (portal),
submitting PKI certificate request, 225
submitting PKI certificate request (auto mode), 225
submitting PKI certificate request (manual mode),
tearing down user connection (AAA), 47
terminating remote server connection (SFTP), 333
working with directories (SFTP), 331
working with files (SFTP), 332
configuring access control policy, 229
message exchange (HWTACACS), 8
message exchange (RADIUS), 3
profile (IPsec), 264
configuring IKE proposal, 289
IPsec configuration, 252
troubleshooting IKE proposal mismatch, 303
protecting data flow (IPsec policy), 253
protection mode (data flow), 252
protocols and standards
AAA, 11
ALG-supported, 356, 358
application layer protocol detection, 347
configuring IPsec for IPv6 routing protocols, 269
IKE, 288
IPsec, 247
IPsec for IPv6 routing, 247
multi-channel protocol (ASPF), 347
protocols detected by ASPF, 346
setting application layer protocol type-based
session aging times, 363
setting protocol state-based session aging times,
single-channel protocol (ASPF), 347