Chapter 10
Configuring Traffic Server
Configure customizable response pages for HTTP transactions
The Protocols button
Click the Protocols button to view or change Traffic Server’s protocol configuration. You can:
Tune HTTP time-outs and remove HTTP headers to maintain the privacy of your site and users
Configure how Traffic Server caches and serves news articles (NNTP)
Configure Traffic Server to restrict SSL connections to certain ports
Set FTP options, such as the connection mode, inactivity timeouts, and the anonymous FTP password
The Cache button
Click the Cache button to view or change Traffic Server’s cache configuration. You can:
Enable/disable HTTP, NTTP, and FTP caching
Configure Traffic Server to ignore user requests to bypass the cache
Set cache storage options, such as the maximum HTTP/FTP object size, the maximum number of
alternates that Traffic Server is allowed to cache, and view a list of the files or disk partitions allotted to
cache storage and their sizes
Configure HTTP and FTP object freshness options
Configure variable content options
The Security button
Click the Security button to view or change Traffic Server’s security options. You can:
Configure access to Traffic Manager by setting an administrator ID and password, and creating
administrator accounts
Configure Traffic Server integration into your firewall and control traffic through the SOCKS server
The Routing button
Click the Routing button to view or change Traffic Server routing options. You can:
Enable HTTP parent caching and identify the HTTP parent cache(s) you want to use
Configure Traffic Server to be part of an ICP cache hierarchy
Enable reverse proxy and set mapping rules
Check if Traffic Server is running in transparent proxy mode
Check if WCCP is enabled
The Host DB button
Click the Host Database button to view or edit Traffic Server’s host database and DNS configuration. You
Set host database timeouts
Set how long Traffic Server must wait for the DNS server to respond to a request and how many times
Traffic Server must retry a DNS lookup.