Appendix A
Traffic Manager Statistics
Queries Originating From ICP Peers
Query Messages
The number of ICP query messages received from remote ICP peers (siblings
and parents).
Remote Query Hits
The number of successful cache lookups in response to queries from ICP peers.
Remote Query Misses
The number of unsuccessful cache lookups in response to queries from ICP
Successful Response
Messages Sent to Peers
The number of successful ICP messages written in response to ICP queries from
remote ICP peers.
WCCP 1.0 Router Statistics
Router's IP address
The IP address of the WCCP router.
Router Status
Indicates if the WCCP router is running (UP) or not (DOWN).
WCCP 1.0 Node Statistics
My IP address
The IP address of this Traffic Server node.
Percentage of traffic
directed to this node
The percentage of port 80 traffic directed toward this Traffic Server node.
Number of heartbeats
The WCCP router sends a heartbeat message to this node every 10 seconds. A
heartbeat message is a short message that indicates to the recipient, “I am up
and running.” This value is the cumulative number of heartbeats received from
the router.
WCCP 1.0 Protocol Statistics
Indicates if WCCP is enabled on this node.
Leader's IP address
The IP address of the leader node.
Number of active nodes
The number of active nodes in the WCCP cache farm.
WCCP 2.0 Configuration Information
Security Enabled
Indicates if WCCP security is enabled.
Multicast Enabled
Indicates if multicast mode is enabled.
Multicast Address
The IP multicast address (if multicast mode is enabled).
Multicast TTL
The multicast Time To Live value specifies how many hops the router is from
the cache.
WCCP 2.0 Services Information
Indicates if transparent redirection of HTTP traffic is enabled.
Indicates if transparent redirection of NNTP traffic is enabled.
Indicates if transparent redirection of RTSP traffic is enabled (Media-IXT
Indicates if transparent redirection of PNA traffic is enabled (Media-IXT
WCCP 2.0 HTTP Statistics
The IP address of the Traffic Server receiving HTTP traffic from a WCCP
Number of buckets
assigned to this node
The number of buckets assigned to this Traffic Server node by the WCCP
Service Id
The number that identifies the protocol in the router command. 0 is used for
Leader's IP
The IP address of the leader node in the WCCP cache farm.