Appendix B
Traffic Manager Configuration Options
Log file type
Specifies the type of log file: ASCII or binary.
Log file name
Specifies the name of the log file that will record transactions using the selected
format style. The default file names are:
Log file header
Specifies the text header you want your standard log files to contain.
Log Splitting
NNTP Log splitting
When the NNTP log splitting is off, Traffic Server records NNTP entries in the
same log file with HTTP and FTP entries. When the NNTP log splitting is on,
Traffic Server records the NNTP entries in a separate log file.
ICP Log Splitting
When ICP log splitting is off, Traffic Server records ICP entries in the same log
file with HTTP and FTP entries. When ICP log splitting is on, Traffic Server
records ICP entries in a separate log file.
HTTP Host Log
If Traffic Server is running in reverse proxy mode, it can log the transactions for
each mapped origin server in a separate log file. This feature is called host log
splitting. When HTTP host splitting is on, Traffic Server creates a separate log
file for each of the hosts listed in the
file. When HTTP
host splitting is off, Traffic Server records transactions for all hosts in the same
log file.
Custom Logs
Enables or disables custom logging.
Custom log definition
Selecting the Traditional option instructs Traffic Server to look to the
file in the config directory for custom log formats. For more
information, see
Using custom formats‚ on page 103
Selecting XML instructs Traffic Server to look to the
for highly configurable custom log formats. For more information, see
custom formats‚ on page 103
Log File Rolling
Rolling enabled (On/
Enables or disables log file rolling. To keep log files down to manageable sizes,
you can roll them at regular intervals. When the Traffic Server rolls a log file, it
stops making entries in the file and adds the file name extension
The log
file autodeletion feature deletes rolled log files when space allocated to logging is
nearly full (when free space in the logging directory is less than the headroom).
Roll offset hour
Specifies the hour when log rolling takes place. You can set a time of the day in
the range 0 to 23. For example, if the offset hour is 0 (midnight) and the roll
interval is 6, the log files are rolled at 00:00, 06:00, noon, and 18:00.
Roll interval
Specifies the amount of time the Traffic Server enters data in log files before
rolling them to
files. Choose a value from 15 minutes to 24 hours. The
minimum value is 5 minutes.
Auto-delete rolled log
files when space is low
Enables autodeletion of rolled log files when available space in the log directory
is low. Autodeletion is triggered when the amount of free space available in the
log directory is less than the headroom specified in the Log Management section
of the Logging page.