Chapter 2
Getting Started
Starting Traffic Line
Traffic Line is a text-based interface that can be accessed through a Telnet session. You can use Traffic Line
to perform many of the tasks you can perform in Traffic Manager. For ease of use, it is recommended that
Traffic Manager be used unless a function only available in Traffic Line is required.
Traffic Line has two command-line modes:
Traffic Line batch mode
You can use the batch mode to execute individual commands or to script multiple commands in a shell.
Refer to
Appendix C‚ Traffic Line Commands
for a list of commands.
Traffic Line interactive mode
You can use interactive mode to retrieve statistics and to configure Traffic Server. Traffic Line interactive
mode consists of several levels of commands. The Traffic Line interactive levels consist of the same
commands available on Traffic Manager Monitor and Configure tabs.
To start a Traffic Line session:
1. Telnet into the HP web cache appliance and select Shell Access as described in
Overview of Access
Methods‚ on page 7
You are now ready to enter Traffic Line commands.
Traffic Line commands take the following form:
traffic_line -flag argument
2. For a list of
commands, enter:
traffic_line -h
3. To enter Traffic Line interactive mode, enter the following command:
traffic_line -i
For information about monitoring Traffic Server using Traffic Line interactive mode, refer to
Statistics from Traffic Line‚ on page 68
For information about configuring Traffic Server using Traffic Line interactive mode, refer to
Traffic Server using Traffic Line‚ on page 76
Restarting Traffic Server
Various procedures throughout this manual instruct you to restart Traffic Server.
You can restart Traffic Server by scrolling to the Web Management section of the Server Basics page in Traffic
Manager, and click the restart button. (For more information, see
Configuring Traffic Server using Traffic
Manager‚ on page 73